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Friday, July 26, 2024

Safety and Security

Breach Brouhaha: Bolgatanga Technical University’s governing council rejects senior accountant’s appointment bid

The governing council of the Bolgatanga Technical University (BTU) has rejected the controversial application submitted by Solomon Awariya, a senior accountant at the institution, for appointment as a deputy...

Confusion erupts in interview room as Bolgatanga Technical University invites unqualified staff for promotion

Some weeks ago, the Bolgatanga Technical University (BTU) published a call, asking its staff...

Bolgatanga court clears Talensi head-teacher wrongfully prosecuted for 6 years

The High Court ‘1’ in Bolgatanga has acquitted and discharged a head-teacher who was...

Video: NPP chairman captured campaigning for Mahama, two hauled before party’s disciplinary committee

Two people have lodged a petition with the Upper East Regional Executive Committee of...

Video: Burning buses kill several passengers Saturday; Ghanaians resolve to travel with hammers for safety

A road crash involving three vehicles occurred in the early hours of Saturday in Ghana, resulting in a fire that claimed several lives. It was...

Ghana rather needs bad roads―National Road Safety Authority director

The Upper East Regional Director of the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) has expressed a personal opinion that “bad roads” are rather what Ghana...

FDA warns public about ‘dangerous’ Oxytocin Injection

Ghana’s Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has issued a public alert about the presence of unregistered Oxytocin Injection 10iu/ml in some health facilities in...

Lives at risk as vultures disappear in Ghana

Stakeholders in environmental protection have raised serious concerns about the decreasing population of vultures in Ghana’s Upper East region, warning that the gradual disappearance...

Climate Change: Harsh impact pulls experts to Garu-Tempane District.

Experts have raced to the Garu-Tempane District to put in place measures to help vulnerable people survive the harsh toll of the world’s changing...

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