About the job

📢 Job Title: Gender, Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Specialist – Ghana

Grade: SSA 10 – National Consultant – When Actually Employed (WAE)

📧 Duration: 44 working days over 6 months

Unit / Division: African Risk Capacity

📍 Duty Station: Ghana

Closing date: 14th April 2023


Ghana context

Situated on the Gulf of Guinea, Ghana is a resource-rich country with a diverse population of nearly 31 million people. However, Ghana is not immune to natural disasters such as erratic rainfall, rising temperatures, drought, floods, rising sea levels, and tidal waves. These have proven to present significant threats to agriculture and energy (hydropower) and contribute to climate-induced migration. Economically, Ghana’s Agriculture accounts for approximately 20% of GDP and employs more than half of the workforce as mainly small landholders. Gold, oil, and cocoa exports, as well as individual remittances, are significant sources of foreign exchange. According to the 2021 UNDP Human Development Index, Ghana ranks 133 out of 191 countries.

The National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) which falls under the Ministry of the Interior, is mandated to manage disasters and similar emergencies in the country. Established in 1996, NADMO coordinates all relevant civil authorities at the national, regional and district levels. In addition, NADMO is responsible for preparedness, response, and prevention activities, as well as the training of communities and volunteers to initiate action to prevent and respond to disasters.

Ghana is also no stranger to epidemic-prone disease outbreaks, the most recent being Yellow Fever and Marburg Virus Disease. As a result, Ghana has three Public Health Emergency Operation Centres (PHEOC) located in the Ashanti, Northern and Western Regions. The PHEOCs, established in 2022 are mandated to serve as central command centres and bring together important stakeholders and experts for coordinated responses to public health events and threats under the coordination of the Ghana Health Services (GHS) and the leadership of the MOH.

The Role of the African Risk Capacity

The African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group is comprised of ARC Agency, a Specialized Agency of the African Union founded in 2012; and the African Risk Capacity Limited (ARC Ltd), a hybrid mutual insurer and the commercial affiliate of the Group founded in 2014.

ARC Agency was established to support African governments in improving their capacities to better plan, prepare, and respond to natural disasters triggered by extreme weather events, outbreaks and epidemics. On the other hand, ARC Ltd offers complementary risk pooling and risk transfer services. Together, the two provide Member States with capacity building and contingency planning services, access to state-of-the-art early warning systems, and risk pooling and transfer facilities towards building resilience against natural disasters such as droughts and tropical cyclones. In the process, the Group strives to apply gender equality principles and achieve inclusivity in the programme to ensure that no one is left behind.

In December 2022, the ARC Group launched its outbreaks and epidemics risk insurance product. This innovative risk financing instrument, requested in 2015 by African Ministers of Finance in the wake of the West African Ebola Outbreaks in 2013-2016, aims at equipping countries with rapid and predictable funding to contain high-impact infectious diseases outbreaks such as Ebola, Marburg, and meningitis, and complement the efforts of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) to safeguard the health security across Africa.

ARC, through established partnerships with ECOWAS, the West African Health Organization (WAHO), and Institut Pasteur de Dakar, is supporting a capacity-building work to implement disaster risk management and financing practices, and build the capacities for surveillance, disease prevention, response and resilience to epidemics and other health emergencies in ECOWAS member states.


Under the direction of the ARC O&E and Gender Units and the support of the Country Engagement Managers, we are seeking to recruit one Gender, Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Specialist for Ghana to:

  • Conduct an in-depth gender analysis of the health sector from the Outbreak and Epidemics (O&E) perspective. The analysis aims to identify gaps & challenges and propose recommendations for gender integration in O&E towards gender transformation of the sector. The Consultant is to carry out an in-depth gender analysis to better understand where women, men and boys and girls are situated in O&E and Disaster Risk Management and Financing. Highlighting the barriers for women’s empowerment and participation in contributing to O&E and DRM and the opportunities for policy articulation to strengthen the integration of gender equality into O&E and DRM planning and implementation processes, by advancing recommendations to gender transformative approaches capable of ensuring gender equality for vulnerable men and women.
  • Carry out an in-depth gender analysis on Disaster Risk Management & Financing (DRM&F) to identify gaps & challenges and propose recommendations in policies, strategies, and activities to ensure a gender-responsive and transformational DRM sector.


In line with the objectives above, the critical elements of the assignment are:

  • Conduct an in-depth gender analysis of gender sensitivity and inclusivity from the perspective of i. Outbreak and Epidemics (O&E) and ii. the Disaster Management Sector– preferably using the gender audit methodology – and develop Gender Analysis Report(s)[1] incorporating a Plan(s) of Action.”
  • Develop a Policy Brief for advocacy and resource mobilisation, based on the gender analysis findings.
  • Using the Policy brief as a base, facilitating policy dialogue and donors’ round table to mobilise funds for gender transformative DRM and O&E financing.
  • Adapt the ARC Gender & DRM training modules to the country context and include a module on Gender and O&E
  • Conduct a Training of Trainers workshop for members of TWG and other ARC partners with the use of the developed training manual.
  • Facilitate the establishment of a ToT national network and the setting up the Gender, Advocacy and Communications sub-working group of the TWG.
  • Conduct the Training of Trainers of public officers and health practitioners in charge of national epidemics preparedness and response.


  • Duty station: Ghana / home based
  • The Consultant will be given access to relevant information necessary for the execution of the tasks under this assignment.
  • The Consultant will be responsible for providing their own working station (i.e., laptop, internet, phone, scanner/printer, etc.) and must have access to a reliable internet connection.
  • The Consultant is expected to be available for consultations and be in reliable email contact for a set number of hours that align with Government/ARC business hours.
  • The Consultant will carry out their tasks under the direct supervision of the Head of the Gender Department and the Lead Advisor O&E, and the overall guidance of the Country Engagement Manager in charge of the engagement with the government of Ghana.


You have

Advanced university degree (Master’s degree equivalent, BAC+4/5) recognized by https://www.whed.net/home.php in one or more of the following disciplines: public health, gender, DRM, climate change, environment, sustainable development, etc. Or First University degree (Bachelor’s degree equivalent, Licence/BAC +3) recognized by https://www.whed.net/home.php with additional years of related work experience or trainings/courses.

Should you not find your university degree in this link kindly note that it will be your responsibility to obtain a formal letter from your Ministry of Education stating their recognition of the university and degree


You have:

At least ten (10) years of progressively advanced and relevant professional experience at the international and national levels (additional years’ experience for a bachelor’s degree) in public health, mainstreaming gender in development projects and policies, especially in the development of manual(s) and training materials for gender mainstreaming on at least one other related theme, including DRM, public health and sustainable development.


  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, including the ability to write clear and concise briefing papers and external communication, strategic operational documents, etc.
  • Proficiency in a second UN language (French, Arabic, Portuguese, etc.) would be considered as a competitive advantage.


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